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About Raw News and Politics

‍‍‍‍‍‍Government corruption has never been more prevalent or caused more harm!

It’s why extremism and fascism are on the rise. It’s why the financial gap between the wealthy and the working class has never been wider. And it’s why our planet is on course to experience irreversible tragedy.

It's also why I'm working to expose the truth about the rot and corruption in D.C. and how it keeps all of us broke, sick, and desperate.

Join me! Together, we can and WILL save our country and our planet!
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Another Proud Boys Leader Secretly Pleaded Guilty
Just The Tip - Oct 24, 2022
US Capitol Arrest Update: Bledsoe SENTENCED
Record Turnout And Ticket Splitting In The Midterms
Fake Candidate Implicates Republican Senator In Scheme
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US Capitol Arrest Update: Steiner SENTENCED
Proud Boys Trial Updates - April 7, 2023
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